Thursday, August 06, 2009

I am going to have a break from Blogging for a while..i am going down to visit my daughter..i've been a bit low & depressed for a little while now..and i just want to go and get away from everything and re-charge my batteries..i have so much to think about..need to get away.


I Went to Cannock Chase yesterday with my friend Margaret...there are so many memorials there in different parts of the woods, for many different countries, who have lost soldiers and civillians in times of war, it always makes me so very sad..we visited the One for the Polish Soldiers & civillians that were murdered in Katyn Forrest by the Russians....It was interesting to find out that for 40 years the Germans were blamed for the massacre...but then in 1980..The Russians Government finally admitted to it..So many Poles live in this country & there are always cards and wreaths on the memorial stone there, from families who have lost loved ones.
I brought a book about the chase in the time of the two World is so interesting and some of the remains of huts army/prison camps are there if you explore..something i intend to do when i get back from Vanessa's.

Monday, August 03, 2009

Thought I would open a new blog...not sure if anyone will read it..but you never know...I thought a wonderful place to start..would be a blog on the 'Minidoka Japanese Internment camp' that used to be based in Idaho...i have looked into this, for a dear friend and in doing so....felt so sad at some of the things that i read...but war IS a terrible thing..with terrible consequences for BOTH many lives lost..most of them so very young ..and still it goes on all over the World...' .Mans Inhumanity to Man'....we never learn do we??..someones Son, or Daughter, Husband or, white yellow, red.. all have lost someone dear....through Mans greed, anger, need to conquer...jealousy, a million reasons...and one outcome is common to them all..The terrible loss of human life !!!....yet still it ravishes human lives and leaves devastation in its wake.....usual train of thought is 'if we dont kill THEM....they will invent something & kill US'......thats a pretty normal reason....but were oh were did it all Start ??..more importantly were will it end ?? ..Centuries of war & bloodshed have passed and man and as learned Nothing !! ( well our Governments certainly haven't).. ..The weapons become more & more lethal....the outcome more and more devastating for our soldiers AND sadly the innocents.. .Our World is slowly been destroyed....when will we all learn ??...when the last Bomb as fallen ??..the last missile taken its terrible toll on humanity ??....the last breath gasped as Chemical Warfare penetrates the 4 corners of our World ???. ...Yes ....Mans Inhumanity to his fellow Man is the cause...and still we Blame God !!..He could have stopped it..why did he let this happen ????...NO, NO....WE have choices..our Polititians have choices....our World leaders have choices.....WE have the power to stop this. Half the world doesn't even believe in God, but are more than ready to blame him for every evil thing known to man !!! crazy...and pretty good going for an apparent non - existant entity, or is it that we only need a 'God' as a scapegoat, ?? someone to blame for all the Wars and Evil??... God himself becomes a feeble excuse for MANS intolerance and vengeful nature ....then its a case of.. IF God is real why do these things happen, why didn't HE stop it ??. he didn't....Therefore he must be a myth !!!....simple, why didn't we think of that excuse before ??!!. ..Silly me.. WE DID..... EVERY time some terrible thing happened through MANS inherent evil....through out the ages !! crazy is that .....its like saying' lets all become puppets, let God sort it all out'..and then sit back ,until something else comes along that we can not tolerate....and it starts all over again..What does it matter, we dont need to learn from our mistakes..we can just blame God and do it again, and infinitum.....the cemetries are full of fine young men dead before their time......because MAN doesn't recognise that the fault lies with in himself. Peace can only happen when Man recognises this and stops blaming God for not taking away our own human nature and Choices ......especially to choose between Good and Evil..or 'to Kill or NOT to Kill' . !!God already said it was breaking HIS Laws to take someones life..but WE do not listen.....then blythly BLAME God for the consequences and subsequent loss of life that follows.If we lived by New Testament Biblical principles...the World would be a very different place..but we dont..Will we ever ???..I seriously doubt it...and still more Sons Daughters, Husbands and Fathers will loose their lives... and more families will be devastated....until one day the weapons will become so sophisticated and lethal..that We will just destroy this beautiful Earth.....MAN not God...but it will be too late then to apportion the last whisp of ' Man made Chemical Warfare' death kills the last soul.. will we still be saying..its Gods fault.!!!..a sobering thought.
